US: community colleges aim to scoop pathway demand
Andrew Chen, chief learning officer at WholeRen Education, a US-based international student organisation and agency, said compared to the locally educated population, returnees are less assertive in the job hunt. “Their grass-root peers are more aggressive and willing to take lower paying jobs to start their careers,” he said. “Returnee students need to become more resilient because they are typically the only child in a wealthy, large city-based family, and don’t have the same grit as their peers when it comes to rolling up their sleeves.”
US: four Chinese students arrested for test fraud
Four Chinese international students in the US have been arrested on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States after they were accused of cheating on the ETS TOEFL exam. Andrew Chen, chief learning officer at WholeRen Education, said the problem should be addressed through prevention more than enforcement.
Salary, job expectations unmet among Chinese returnees
A number of Chinese returnees have found the reality of coming home after obtaining an overseas degree is falling short of their dreams of a better job and higher salary. Andrew Chen, chief learning officer at WholeRen Education, said compared to the locally educated population, returnees are less assertive in the job hunt.

Overseas study tours for preschoolers: China’s latest parenting trend
Chinese parents are sending young children abroad to the US and other destinations for kindergarten programmes that can last months. Andrew Chen, chief learning officer of WholeRen Education, said the industry is still in a preliminary stage and generating small revenue due to high costs, especially in targeting consumers.

Are you OBOR-ready?
To enjoy the benefits of the OBOR-era world, we must first build it through the Chinese hard infrastructure and the American higher education soft infrastructure. The OBOR-era world’s destiny hangs in the balance.

Andrew Chen discussed about how to deal with schools warning. US schools usually give students second chance, the first for warning, the second for dismissal. When receiving warning letters, the students need to pay attention to their study and their GPA. After the warining notification, the students only have one chance to prove themselves. In most cases, universities would nofity their students by email. Most students are not used to check their email in time, which causes them in danger for dismissal.
Andrew Chen explained the differences between dismissal and expulsion. After getting dismissed, students can apply for readmission to the original school if they can revise their attitudes of study. However, for expulsion, students cannot be readmitted from their original schools, which is forever dismissed. Most students get dismissed by their US universities, so they still have change to go back again.

“Is It Safe?” Foreign Students Consider College in Donald Trump’s U.S.
The study found that 60 percent of international prospective students would be less likely to attend a college in the United States if Mr. Trump were elected. Andrew Chen, the chief development officer at WholeRen, said colleges in other countries were trying to capitalize on fears over Mr. Trump.
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As “Wall Street Journal” reported, the rate of cheating on exam for international students is five times as US students, especially for Chinese students. According to WholeRen Education’s “White Paper on Dismissal Issues of Chinese Students in the United States”, the dismissal rate of academic dishonesty increased from last year. Media spoted on academic integrity again.

Academic provacy is also personal privacy. Schools would not leak this to anyone, unless the students expose this by themselves. If students present their dismissal letters to disqualified agency, it will cause tragedy. After dismissing international students, US schools will cancel the F1 visa for the students or give them one week to transfer.
June 28th, 2016, the second term of “Community College and Transfer Admission Forum” was held succesfully by WholeRen Education, USTOPCC, and Tsinghua Unversity International High School at Beijing. The princeple of Tsinghua University International High School, the Dean of Transfer Admission Office of UC Berkeley and the CEO of WholeRen Education and other representatives from several community colleges attended the forum.
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A Pittsburgh based company that works with Chinese students studying in the U.S. said academic dishonesty is a problem in part because standards around academic integrity are less stringent in China. Andrew Hang Chen, the chief development officer at WholeRen Education, said his company has worked with 1,657 students who were kicked out of school over the past three years. Of those, nearly a quarter were asked to leave for academic dishonesty, he said.
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WholeRen published “White Paper on Dismissal Issues of. Chinese Students in the United States 2016”, which exposes many issues that need to pay attention to. Chinese undergrates become the majorities to be dismissed from US universities and colleges. About 80% Chinese students were dismissed from universities ranking within 200. The “pay-to-stay” colleges have negative impact on Chinese students.
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CCTV《新闻24小时》报道—— 爱荷华大学 中国留学生作弊案
As Andrew Chen states, academic dishonesty happens a lot recently for Chinese students studying abroad, including cooperated cheat on exam and commercial cheat. Some students help each other cheat on several exams, may involving commercial support. These cheat accesses mislead students to academic dishonesty.
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中国留学生晒持枪照被美驱离 回应称部分传言不实
One Chinese student studying at University of Iowa was repatriated from the U.S. because he posted a photo with a gun and threatened his professor to let him pass the exam. He was commited as a dangerous person. After taking his gun away, the U.S. canceled his visa and expelled him from the U.S.. Andrew Chen, CEO of WholeRen Education, was interviwed to talk about this issue.
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People in China are worried that students are cheating their way into US schools
It appears this mentality may carry over to Chinese students actually studying at American schools. Roughly 8,000 Chinese students were expelled from US colleges and universities last year, according to a recent report from WholeRen Education, and 80.55% of these dismissals “resulted from academic dishonesty or low academic performances.”
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June 23rd, 2015, WholeRen Education held “Community College and Transfer Admission Forum” at Beijing, in order to introduce the educational system, agenda, and administrition approaches of community colleges in the U.S. for Chinese educators, medias, students and parents.
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